Recruiting Top Student Talent Just Got a Lot Easier
Well-prepared workers are an invaluable resource, giving you a critical edge for success. Maricopa PipelineAZ provides a steady supply of high-quality, work-ready student candidates to fill your essential positions. We connect your businesses with the best candidates from our student pool using advanced skills mapping technology.
Review our Recruitment Guidelines below to learn about becoming an approved partner, then create an account to benefit from our talent pipeline.
Recruitment Guidelines
Maricopa Community Colleges’ Career Centers adhere to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles of Professional Conduct, which includes the following criteria:
Adhere to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) federal laws mandated under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Have a current or anticipated job opening.
Have an “employer-employee” relationship with no fees for becoming an employee.
Maricopa Community Colleges’ Career Centers reserve the right to refuse service to organizations or individuals and have established additional criteria.
Maricopa Community Colleges' Career Centers reserve the right to grant access to employers based on the needs of our various constituencies. This policy includes reviewing all employer requests based on content and suitability. We only accept postings for positions from businesses whose purposes are consistent with the policies, regulations, or mission of Maricopa Community Colleges.
Maricopa PipelineAZ
Hire Students Through Maricopa PipelineAZ
Students at Maricopa Community Colleges are driven to succeed, which makes them excellent hires for your business.
To hire our students, post your job openings through Maricopa PipelineAZ, our official platform that connects employers with student candidates.
Employing Our Students—Alcohol and Cannabis Policies
Maricopa Community Colleges is committed to complying with state and federal laws and guidelines regarding alcohol and cannabis (marijuana).
Our District adheres to state and federal guidelines regarding the sale and distribution of alcohol to students. Employers and community members should review the Maricopa Community Colleges Policy on Alcohol 4.13 prior to committing to on-campus events, receptions, dinners, company tours, etc.
Although marijuana (cannabis) is legal in the state of Arizona, it is not legal under federal law.
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (DFSCA) mandates that any institution of higher education receiving federal funds must certify the adoption and implementation of a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. Additionally, these institutions must establish standards of conduct prohibiting these illegal activities on their property.
The federal government classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug; therefore, businesses that directly work with it in any form fall under the DFSCA. Failure to comply with federal law can cost students eligibility for federal financial aid; therefore, to protect our students access to federal financial aid:
- We will not post internships or work opportunities at companies that may possess or come into contact with marijuana products.
- We will not support internships for credit or non-credit where a student may come into contact with marijuana products (including work with a company's clients, attendance at marijuana conventions, etc.).
Research projects involving the medicinal use of marijuana must comply with A.R.S. § 15-108(A).
Employer Frequently Asked Questions
You may contact us at mcccd.pipelineaz@domail.maricopa.edu.
Yes. Your company contact will receive an email notification from Maricopa PipelineAZ that will contain a unique URL for you to create a login and password for your account.
No fees are associated with creating an account or posting on Maricopa PipelineAZ.
If you are interested in connecting with specific programs, you may email us at mcccd.pipelineaz@domail.maricopa.edu.