Electrical/Power Installation

Does the thought of electrical technology fascinate you? Would a future in electrical and power installation really feel like work? Enroll in our Electrical/Power Installation program to take the first step toward a career in the electrical industry — where you will get to work with wiring, grounding, bonding, voltage, alternating currents (AC), direct currents (DC), motors, generators, alternators, and more.

Our dynamic program will teach you how to define the principles, concepts, and devices related to electronics and solid-state technology. In addition, you’ll be able to describe National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements as well as the design and operation of specific, programmed control systems. Upon completion, you may seek employment in management, sales, field service, business ownership, or instruction within the electrical industry.

Make it happen. Start your path toward a future in electrical/power installation today.

Students at any Maricopa Community College may need to complete courses at more than one of our colleges.