Program Overview
Gain the foundational skills that are necessary for a career in film or theatre, including production design and technique. Aside from the experience you’ll gain, you will develop a portfolio of academic work to showcase throughout your artistic career.
10 Colleges. Unlimited Opportunities. Start your degree at...
Students at any Maricopa Community College may need to complete courses at more than one of our colleges.
Associate in Arts, Fine Arts, Emphasis in Theatre | Chandler-Gilbert, Estrella Mountain, Glendale, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Phoenix College, Scottsdale, South Mountain
Fast Track Certificate, which can be completed in two semesters or less.
Stage Combat | Paradise Valley
Technical Theatre | Mesa, Phoenix College, Scottsdale
Technical Theatre: Audio Technician | Glendale, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Phoenix College
Technical Theatre: Cosplay I | Mesa
Technical Theatre: Cosplay II | Mesa
Technical Theatre: Costuming | Glendale, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Phoenix College
Technical Theatre: Hair and Makeup | Mesa
Technical Theatre: Lighting | Mesa, Paradise Valley, Phoenix College
Technical Theatre: Properties | Estrella Mountain, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Phoenix College, Scottsdale
Technical Theatre: Puppetry | Mesa, Paradise Valley, Phoenix College
Technical Theatre: Set/Scenic Construction | Estrella Mountain, Mesa, Phoenix College
Technical Theatre: Stage Crew Technician | Estrella Mountain, Glendale, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Phoenix College, Scottsdale