Hoop of Learning (HOL)

Hoop of Learning (HOL)

Maricopa Community Colleges’ Hoop of Learning (HOL) is an early high school-to-college bridge program available at nine of our ten colleges. Since its establishment in 1995, HOL’s intention is to reduce economic and cultural barriers that American Indian students may face while helping them transition from high school to college.

HOL is Indigenous by design, based on a traditional Native American worldview of a circle, or hoop, of lifelong development. Its mission is to encourage, support and create conditions that empower American Indian students to complete high school and transition successfully to higher education.

Hoop of Learning (HOL)

What We Do

The HOL Program has four primary goals for its students:

  1. Support high school graduation
  2. Increase enrollment and participation in college
  3. Empower students to reach their goals
  4. Prepare students to succeed by removing barriers

High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors are recruited to participate in HOL. Once accepted into the program, HOL students are concurrently enrolled in high school and college courses, attending college classes during the summer and on Saturdays during the school year.* HOL students can earn general studies college credits towards an associate’s degree and/or transfer to a university to earn their bachelor’s degree.

*Scottsdale Community College holds cohort classes during the week—in the afternoon/evening—after regular high school hours.

Who Qualifies

The HOL program is looking for high school students who meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a registered member of a state or federally recognized tribal nation.
  • Must have a 2.0 minimum high school grade point average (GPA).
  • Must be actively enrolled in high school and on track to graduate on time.
  • Applicants can apply in the fall semester of their 9th, 10th or 11th grade year. Most programs start a new cohort of students in the summer semester. Check with the individual college for exact dates and deadlines.

The Benefits of Being an HOL Student

  • Get a jump start on earning college credit
  • Cultural events, guest speakers, workshops, and field trips
  • One-on-one advising
  • Cohort classes: meet other Native American students
  • On-campus experience and resources: tutoring, counseling, library, computer lab, and more

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Ready to Apply?

The Hoop of Learning program is active at nine Maricopa Community College campuses listed below. Please contact your Hoop of Learning coordinator before submitting an application to get information on specific college deadlines.

To apply, complete the online admission form and have the following documents readily available:

  • Certificate of Indian Blood or Tribal ID
  • High school transcripts (unofficial or official)
  • Photo ID (AZ State or high school)

Apply Now

The completed application will be evaluated based on the selection criteria listed above. Note: Some schools have an interview process and may require additional documentation (e.g. letters of recommendation and/or personal statement).

Students who are accepted into the HOL program will receive a scholarship offer. They will then contact their preferred college to accept the scholarship and attend a mandatory New Student and Parent Orientation.

*Tribes are distinct political entities with political sovereignty. Tribal sovereign nations have a government-to-government relationship with the U.S. government based on historical treaties, statues, and historical relations. Arizona is a unique state with 22 federally-recognized Native American tribes located within its borders. Maricopa Community Colleges recognizes the unique sovereign status of these tribes as well as those across the United States. As such, all scholarships offered to tribally enrolled members of a sovereign nation are not based on race or ethnicity but rather acknowledgement of tribal communities' unique political status recognized by the federal government and protected by the U.S. Constitution within the United States.

Connect With HOL at Your College or Contact Your HOL Coordinator

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