Maricopa Community Colleges to Lower Tuition

Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Image of students work on car engines in an Automotive class

The Maricopa County Community Colleges (MCCCD) Governing Board unanimously voted to lower tuition to $85 per credit hour for in-county residents starting in the Fall 2018 semester.

A recent study shows that tuition hikes depress overall college enrollment and in particular, negatively affect racial and ethnic diversity at educational institutions. The Maricopa Community Colleges remain committed to enriching our community by attracting, supporting, and retaining students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds and perspectives that bring a variety of talents, passions, and worldviews.

Over the last 20 years, tuition rates across the country have steadily increased by nearly 240%, according to a 2017 report by U.S. News & World Reports. While other public higher education institutions in the state are raising fees for the 2018-2019 school year, MCCCD has opted to ensure tuition remains affordable for its students.  Although the decision may seem symbolic, the decrease for students struggling to pay their tuition is meaningful.

The Maricopa Community Colleges boasts some of the best two-year colleges in the nation, offering innovative programs such as cybersecurity, surgical technology, and last year opening a new cloud computing learning lab.  MCCCD serves over 200,000 students, nearly half of whom are first-generation college attendees.  Each year the 10 colleges that make up the district issues over 25,000 degrees, certificates, and awards.  Forty percent of the district’s students intend to transfer to a university, and twenty-four percent plan to use their MCCCD education to enter the workforce or advance in their career. Officials at the Maricopa Community Colleges pride themselves on being one of the largest workforce development organizations in the region, providing high-quality and state-of-the-art educational options at the most affordable price.

“In today’s economy, students are stretching their dollars more and more each month,” said Mr. Elliott Hibbs, Chief Operating Officer at MCCCD. “One of our goals is to assist our students in doing so in whatever ways we can.  Our tuition decrease was not just about the actual dollar amount, but it also serves as a demonstration of how much we value our diverse student body.”