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Study tips, exercises, and even diet can help relieve finals anxiety. Here are 5 tips to help you stay calm during your mid-term or final exams.
1. Create an effective study plan
Learn ahead of time where the exam will be held. Ask your teacher what material will be on the test, what you should study, how the test will be graded, and how much it counts toward your overall class grade. Find out what supplies you need or are allowed to have with you during the test. Have all your material and research at hand when you’re ready to study. Prepare a strategy, so you don’t waste time studying the wrong material.
When you are ready, follow these steps to ensure you can focus:
- Choose a quiet place to study, and make sure you are not interrupted or distracted.
- Take regular breaks while studying.
- Don’t stress if you feel overwhelmed. It’s natural to feel like this.
2. Eat healthy and go easy on the caffeine
Eating healthy is always better for your body and brain than eating foods saturated with sugar and carbs. During finals week, plan to eat regularly and eat good foods. Your mind and body will feel better, and you will have a lot more energy than you would otherwise.
A little bit of stimulant keeps you attentive, but too much will increase your anxiety and harm your body. You want to be alert, not wired. Pace yourself, and make sure you’re eating something every four hours.
3. Practice the power of positive thinking
Repeat to yourself:
- “I have done my best, even if I feel I could have revised more, feeling this way is normal.”
- “I will be okay, whatever happens, this exam will not be the only defining point in my life, I can only do my best and accept the result.”
- “I do not need to be defined simply by how successful I am in an exam, there is more to me than that.”
Control your fear by repeating these phrases.
4. Get plenty of sleep
Sure, cramming for exams and sleeping are diametrically opposed. But they shouldn’t be. When you sleep for at least 7-8 hours after studying, your brain absorbs it better, and you will be well-rested enough to recall it.
5. Treat Yourself
The day before the test, treat yourself to something – a special food, a small purchase, a call to a friend, a walk in the lawn, or listening to a favorite song. This emotional pick-me-up will tell yourself you are special and worthwhile, and that you are making it happen.