City of Phoenix Approves $8.5 Million in American Rescue PlFunds to Support Phoenix Residents at a Maricopa Community College

Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Image of students using computers

The City of Phoenix Mayor and Council has approved 8.5 million dollars in American Rescue Plan Act funding to help Phoenix residents through the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) re-career and re-employ those disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The expansion of scholarship funds available to individuals who have been deeply affected by the pandemic is an extraordinary step toward rebuilding our community, and we are proud to work with the City of Phoenix in making that a reality," said Dr. Steven R. Gonzales, MCCCD Interim Chancellor. "The ARPA allocation of funds will provide our community with tremendous social and economic benefits, strengthening our state's economy and future workforce."

The funds were originally approved in June 2021 as part of the City of Phoenix's $198 million ARPA Strategic Plan. The Council wanted specific information on the following programs before moving forward.

The Council approved $8.5 million to offer free training and education to residents who have been impacted by the pandemic in the hardest-hit industries of hospitality, food service, retail, and families with young children. The program would offer training in Council-approved industries and occupations, including but not limited to bioscience and healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, and construction. Participants enrolled in training will receive a monthly stipend to assist with emergency expenses such as transportation and childcare.

As part of the $8.5 million, the Council approved $1.5 million to MCCCD's Workforce and Economic Development Office to provide education and workforce navigation services to participants enrolled in an ARPA-approved program at the Maricopa Community Colleges. MCCCD's Workforce and Economic Development Office will ensure navigation services include:

  • Case management.
  • Employer networking/hiring events.
  • Skill and work readiness training.
  • Assistance with referrals to specialized support services and other resources.

The MCCCD Workforce and Economic Development Office will support the City of Phoenix with an enrollment campaign to recruit and enroll Phoenix residents – who have been impacted by COVID-19 as well as parents of young children – into impactful career training programs.

This article appears for archival purposes. Any events, programs, and/or initiatives mentioned may no longer be applicable.