Community Resources for DACA Students

Local Arizona Resources

Local Resource Description
AZ 2-1-1 Use the website or dial 2-1-1 for referral assistance for non-emergency support for a wide range of human and social services, including food, clothing, paying bills, housing and shelter, domestic violence and human trafficking, health and dental, disability-related services, veteran and military services, employment, mental health, and substance abuse.
Aliento A community organization that includes DACA, undocumented, and youth-led individuals. This organization works directly with impacted people, as well as with allies who are invested in the well-being, emotional healing, and leadership development of individuals lacking an immigration status.
Chicanos por la Causa This site provides community resources and health information for underserved individuals and communities in the areas of health and human services, housing, education, economic development and advocacy, and immigration services.
Friendly House A multi-service organization with a wide range of programs aimed at addressing the needs of our diverse community. Friendly House's programs and services include educational support and programming, emergency support, immigration services, parent education, and workforce development.
Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) A membership-based organization that works to build power for Arizona’s working families to advance social, racial, and economic justice. Find help with DACA renewal, residency, citizenship, and rights training.
Neighborhood Ministries Phoenix Provides programs and services across a broad range of basic support needs that include thrift stores, food and clothing banks, workforce development, preschool and programs for young children, mental and behavioral health, refugee support, and parenting classes.
Puente Arizona A grassroots migrant justice organization based in Phoenix, Puente Arizona develops, educates, and empowers migrant communities to protect and defend their families and themselves.

National Resources

National Resource Description
Informed Immigrant A resource hub for important resources and trusted information on being undocumented in the U.S., including nationally-recognized immigrant-serving organizations, lawyers, technologists, and allies dedicated to helping the undocumented immigrant community.
My Undocumented Life General resource website with up-to-date information and resources for undocumented immigrants. This site also includes information for college students, including tips for being successful in college, scholarship resources, and offers.
Immigrants Rising This general resource website provides national as well as California-based tools and information for undocumented youth in order to achieve educational, career, and personal achievement. Resources include educational, legal, and health support.
DACA Renewals A hub that provides resources to DACA guides, downloadable toolkits, graphics, and referrals. Use #DACARenewals for more information. Additional information can be found at


Connect With Student Services at Your College

Community College

2626 E. Pecos Rd.

Chandler, AZ 85225


Estrella Mountain
Community College

3000 N. Dysart Rd.

Avondale, AZ 85323


Community College

108 N. 40th St.

Phoenix, AZ 85034


Community College

6000 W. Olive Ave.

Glendale, AZ 85302


Community College

1833 W. Southern Ave.

Mesa, AZ 85225


Paradise Valley
Community College

18401 N. 32nd St.

Phoenix, AZ 85032



1202 W. Thomas Rd.

Phoenix, AZ 85013


Rio Salado

2323 W. 14th St.

Tempe, AZ 85281


Community College

9000 E. Chaparral Rd.

Scottsdale, AZ 85256


South Mountain
Community College

7050 S. 24th St.

Phoenix, AZ 85042
