Electroneurodiagnostic Technology

Do you want to become an essential member of a healthcare team that plays a vital role in treating patients? Begin preparing for a career as a registered electroneurodiagnostic (END) technologist today! An END tech records electrical patterns in the central, autonomic, and peripheral nervous systems that can be used to diagnose and treat conditions such as epilepsy, motor neuron diseases, dizziness, seizure disorders, strokes, and degenerative brain disease. Upon completing this program you will be prepared to sit for the American Board of Registered Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists (ABRET) examination to become a registered END tech.

This program is designed to prepare you to use electroneurodiagnostic techniques to evaluate activity of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. You’ll also learn to perform electroencephalograms (EEGs), evoked potentials (EPs), and nerve conduction velocity studies (NCVs) in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Our experienced faculty focuses on the general area of biomedical electronics with specific instruction in the theory and use of END instruments and factors influencing testing outcomes and reporting.

Make it happen today and enroll in the Electroneurodiagnostic (END) Technology program!

Students at any Maricopa Community College may need to complete courses at more than one of our colleges.

Associate Degrees and University Transfer
Electroneurodiagnostic (END) Technology