Student Board Member

Student Board Member

Maricopa Community Colleges Governing Board policy 4.13 provides for a student member of the Governing Board to sit on the Board in an advisory capacity. A student member of the Governing Board will provide the regular members of the Governing Board with important, useful information about the student experience from a student perspective on matters that come before the Board. It will also help the Board be more informed in making its decisions and provide it with a useful means of communicating directly with students.

The student Governing Board member will serve a one-year term, commencing July 1, 2025.

Student Profile

Students from all backgrounds, majors, and experiences are encouraged to apply. The student Governing Board member must be a student in good standing with a minimum GPA of 2.0 and carrying at least 12 credit hours during each semester of the year they serve. A scholarship of $500 each semester will be provided, in recognition of the value provided to the Governing Board by such a member and the substantial time commitment needed to serve.

Application Process

  1. Complete the fillable application using the link below. Once complete, email the application to
  2. Have the Performance Evaluation completed by an instructor or supervisor under whom you have studied or worked.

Applications must be submitted to Maricopa Community Colleges’ Student Affairs Office by email no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025. Please send to

Apply to be a Student Board MemberDownload Performance Evaluation